How Do I Pay My InFirst FCU Loan?

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When you take out a new loan, you might be confused about repayment. That’s why we offer numerous methods to make your loan payments. While mailing a check or dropping off a payment in a branch is self-explanatory, you might find yourself wondering how to initiate electronic payments. Here’s how you can easily set up automatic transfers from one institution to InFirst FCU.

1.       Login to Online Banking and click on “External Funds Transfer.”

2.       You will need to enroll in the service and agree to the terms of use.

3.       You will then be directed to enter your external bank account information including the account name, Financial Institution (FI) name, routing, and account number.

4.       After you hit submit, you will see a message telling you to watch for a test deposit to appear in your other account. Test deposits, normally received within one to two days of the request, are usually under thirty cents.

5.       When you see the small deposit, come back to this same screen in InFirst Online Banking and enter that amount in the verification box.

You will notice that your institution name now has an “Active” status next to it. That means you are free to use this account to transfer to and from your InFirst account. To initiate a transfer, click on “New Transfers,” select the accounts from the dropdown menu, complete the rest of the info and submit. It will take another one to two days before you see the money in your InFirst account.

Want to know all of the ways that you can pay on your loan? Click here to learn more.

Do you have questions about how to pay your InFirst FCU loans? I want to hear from you. Leave a comment below or email me.


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Krista Kyte is a personal finance blogger and personal banker with over 18 years of experience in the financial industry. Krista is passionate about helping our members understand their financial situations. She writes tips that will help consumers reach and maintain financial security, and start living the life they’ve always wanted.

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