Surviving the Sequestering


We are a little more than one month into our quarantine here in the U.S. (okay, 35 days in, but who’s counting?), which means you’ve already binged Tiger King, and received your honorary degree in homeschooling. What now? How do you keep motivated to continue practicing social distancing without losing your mind?

Get in the kitchen


Now is the time to try all of those recipes you’ve been dying to make, but were too scared to attempt. Hop on Google and search for unique dishes for inspiration. Already an accomplished cook? It's time to improve your skills! How about cake decorating, tweaking some of your favorite recipes (the different varieties of banana bread are truly astounding), or creating new ones? Maybe you would like to test out new techniques. Sou vide, flambe, or fire up the grill; they can all be great things to test right now. Plus, you probably have plenty of people at home willing to be your guinea pig.

Roll up your sleeves

Cooking not your thing? No problem. DIY projects are calling your name. Now is a great time to tackle all of those things you’ve been putting off, like painting a room, staining your deck, power washing the house, cleaning the attic or garage, and filling drywall cracks.

Get crafty


Fresh out of projects? Maybe you should channel your creativity. Have you ever made soap? It’s not as hard as you may think. You could even branch out and make your own laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent. Of course, you could pick up any new hobby instead…painting, crafting, scrapbooking, woodwork – you name it. If sewing is your passion, maybe you would like to make masks. There are plenty of templates available online or at your local craft store. If you live in an area populated by essential employees (think of communities close to a military base, hospital, or police station), they may be looking for donated masks.

Work up a sweat


Another great hobby is exercise. Countless hours in front of your computer, or on your couch can make it hard to find motivation. Try switching your mindset. Think of this crazy time as a do-over for your New Year’s resolutions that you forgot about. Ease into an exercise routine from the comfort of your home or in your back yard. This is a great way to get the whole family up and moving.

Learn something new

You could always exercise your brain by reading, doing puzzles, crosswords, word finds or playing games. Many companies are offering online classes that you can take advantage of. For instance, Fender is giving three months of guitar lessons online. If music isn’t your jam, try a Master Class. Learn comedy from Steve Martin, acting from Sauel L. Jackson or even take a Master Gardening class. The options are endless.

It's five o’clock somewhere

If you find yourself in need of social interaction, consider hosting a Zoom happy hour with your co-workers, or setting regular FaceTime or Skype chats with friends or family. Sure, you won’t be in the same room together, but it might just take your mind off of what’s happening now – if only for a little while.

Netflix and chill

Staying home is hard for a lot of people. The stress of working from home, parenting, homeschooling, and navigating this new normal can weigh anyone down. For couples quarantining together, date night doesn’t have to be put on hold because you can’t get a night out. Designate one night each week to reconnect with your partner. Change out of the yoga pants and get dressed up. Order in a nice meal, or cook one together. If you have children, put them to bed early and enjoy your meal together before tuning into Netflix. And check out that solar system! Remember the Pink Moon earlier this month?

Have some fun


If your kids are going stir crazy, here are some fun ideas for the whole family.

· Put on a play

· Have an in-home dance party

· Buy popcorn and candy for a home movie night

· Test kid-friendly science experiments (make homemade slime, play dough, or create a volcano with baking soda and vinegar)

· Switch up the routine with dessert for dinner

If all else fails, you can still venture out in your back yard.

What are you doing to maintain your sanity? Let me know in the comments or you can always email me.

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Krista Kyte is a personal finance blogger and personal banker with over 17 years of experience in the financial industry. Krista is passionate about helping our members understand their financial situations. She writes tips that will help consumers reach and maintain financial security, and start living the life they’ve always wanted.

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